How Are You Feeling Lately?

Our feelings are the voice of the soul and can often tell us when we need an energy over-haul. If you have been feeling exhausted, frustrated , run-down or angry lately, than its time to take a step back and find your peace.

Right now we are in the midst of a global awakening.

Now is the time to take a deep breath and slow down the "crazy" in our lives especially in the physical and emotional departments.

It is becoming more and more apparent that what we focus on is expanding at an exponential rate, and what you focus on is entirely up to you.

In my past newsletters, I have spoken of the importance of keeping our thoughts clean and our vibration high as we surf the wave of energy that is flooding the earth right now.

We are well under way for getting rid of old, stuck energy and for those of you who have done the work, it is about to pay off.

This amplification process works in two ways:

If you are operating at a primal level or in survival mode, than things are about to get more challenging until you learn that operating from anger, bitterness and resentment will only give you more of the same. Trapping you in the very cycle that you long to be rid of.

For those who operate from a compassionate, loving and awakened state of awareness, opportunities to heal, expand and grow are showing up all over the place.

There is a wave of energetic relief that is coming your way over the next few weeks and I suggest you learn to surf the wave or be prepared to drown in whatever it is your vibration is asking for. If life has been hectic then it is time for you to slow things down, take a deep breath and stay present while you find your peace. As a matter of fact, try and keep your energy as light as possible so that you can attract as much Light into your life as you can.

Positive experiences start with a positive outlook, and the Universe is asking you to look at your situation through the eyes of expanded awareness.

If you have never tried meditating, now would be a great time to try it. Meditation is the greatest stress reliever and when you tune out and tap into what the Universe is saying to you, your next step becomes much clearer and you avoid the pitfalls that once were all around you.

There is truth to the saying "The kingdom of Heaven is within you."

Peace is only found when you go within and this month is providing us the right energy to do so.

I pray you find your Light.

Sending you peace, love and light.

Patricia Monna


Did you know that hundreds of years ago, witches would take a sample of blood or hair of a person and use it to put a curse on their soul?

Our DNA is our unique physical expression of the body that houses the Spirit, and our DNA is the roadmap of who we are and how far our ancestry has come in the evolution of our family genetics.

A part of us consists of every single person who came before us. This is why you will see family patterns of behaviour, looks and talents when you look back at your family history.

Within your genetics, you also carry the traumas of generations past. This is why we see patterns such as sexual abuse, drug addiction and alcohol abuse being passed down within family lines. Yet, we also carry the gifts, talents and abilities that our ancestors mastered in their time as well. This genetic expression can be found by simply examining a piece of your DNA such as your hair, blood or bones.

We can look backwards in time through the science of Epigenetics to gain a deeper understanding of who we are and why we are prone to certain behaviours and illnesses.

We also know today, that our DNA is affected by our intentions, actions, circumstances and how we view the world around us. Our thoughts can literally alter our DNA.

The reason why a witch would need the hair, blood or bones of a person they wish to curse, was because they were cursing the BLOODLINE and the DNA of their victims and through quantum entanglement the ill intentions would work on a cellular level.

If a curse has been put on a person generations ago, the modern day family member carrying the same genes, can feel the ripple effect for generations to come if no one takes action to clean up the ancestral lineage on a spiritual, karmic and energetic level.

We know that our actions can influence our DNA, but our DNA can also influence our actions.

This is where expressions such as "Like father, like son" or "Like mother, like daughter" comes from.

It is time to break the generational curses that have been put upon our ancestors.

If you have always felt like the "black sheep" of your family, it's probably because YOU are the difference that your family needs in order to change history and stop any darkness from being passed down. YOU are the spiritual alchemist of your family.

We transmute the energy by making greater choices and daring to break out of the cycle of family trauma instead of feeding into it and passing it down.

We break generational curses when we stop passing down the actions of our ancestors that hurt us.

You have the power to bless your blood and create a higher timeline for generations to follow by making different and more conscious choices for you and your family. When your behaviour and actions are aligned with peace, love and forgiveness, you change history by creating a different future.

Wishing you healing, love and blessings,

Patricia Monna

Creating a Different Reality

Creating a Different Reality

The energy of our planet is rapidly changing and you can clearly feel it wherever you go. People seem to be on edge, feeling stuck or rapidly spinning out of control.

If we want to move towards a future filled with peace and healing, we need to activate the Light Source within us on a personal level before looking outside of ourselves at a world we can't control. When we take a good look inside, we give ourselves a chance to slow down and heal what has been hidden within the recesses of our memories, tucked away for us to deal with at a later date.

It's time to go deep!

Our memories are fuelled with the energy that created them, that's why the worst experience of your life will stand out in your memory easier than last night's dinner.

Everything that you have ever been through, has gotten you to where you are today. The good, bad and ugly are all part of the story that makes up your book, and we honour our memories by making peace with the past that helped to create our future. We must never resent where we came from, because without it, we would't have a story to tell.

You can't skip chapters either, even during the suspenseful periods when life feels exciting, but scary as hell.

If the current page you're on looks like you're going through hell...KEEP GOING! YOUR STORY GETS BETTER! Your Light is needed here.

Every one of us is an individuated Light Source, sent here to effect change wherever we go. A simple smile to a stranger, can help to neutralize the low vibration of sadness that they may be carrying in that moment. Your presence is more powerful than you think, and when you heal yourself, you become a natural example for others to follow.

What dictates our energy from the inside out is the thoughts we carry. They become the actions and company we keep, that can haunt us or heal us depending on the frame of mind we're in.

If you've noticed your awareness shifting lately, it may be that you no longer resonate with the old time lines of confusion and victimhood and you are now vibrating on a higher dimensional reality, therefore creating new timelines with the Light that you carry.

Or maybe you're still waiting for the Universe to give you a sign that now is the time to jump but you keep procrastinating?

Stop waiting for change, and CREATE IT!!

When your intuition tells you that something's off or needs your attention, please listen and make the necessary changes. The Universe has your back in a huge way right now and that's why this message is resonating with you as you read this. So step out of fear and you will start jumping timelines.

Wishing you a month filled with Golden Blessings,

Patricia Monna

Beyond Belief with George Noory: Psychically Sensing the Human Resonance


Beyond Belief with George Noory on GAIA TV

Last year, I was invited to Colorado to be on a show called "Beyond Belief With George Noory" for Gaia TV.

The plan was for me to be interviewed regarding my work with Law Enforcement and my success with locating missing people. (I have helped to find 29 missing loved ones to date!)

A few days before I was scheduled to leave for Colorado, the Executive Producer called and told me that she had a last minute idea and thought it would be great if I could get someone who had worked with me on a missing person case, to speak about their experience with me on the show. With only a few days before filming, this last minute change had me franticly looking for someone to speak on my behalf.

It is not easy to just call someone up and ask them if they are willing to speak publicly about such a personal and devastating time in their life.

I quickly became discouraged trying to find someone as the clock was ticking and the people that I did ask, were not available on the day that we needed them to film with us.

Feeling frustrated, I phoned the Executive Producer back and let her know that I couldn't find anyone last minute.

But the Universe surprised me with a last minute twist of fate!

On my final day of work before leaving for the show, a beautiful young lady named Brittany, walked into my office for a psychic reading that she had scheduled back in April. Wearing a gorgeous all white dress, she looked like an angel in human form.

As she sat down, she asked me if I remembered her since she had seen me for a reading back in October 2019. Unfortunately I couldn't recall her past reading when she asked.

My client then proceeded to tell me that her missing father had been located exactly where and how I had described to her during her last reading. Needless to say, I was completely stunned by the timing of her news.

When Brittany originally came to see me in October 2019, she had just met a new guy, started a new job and was curious to see what the future had in store for her. When she came in, Brittany had NO idea that anything had happened to her father since they had been estranged for the past 4 years.

When she sat in front of me and I began the reading, her father came through in Spirit to let her know he was missing and that he was no longer alive. Her dad then gave me the location of where his body would be found in April of 2020.

Unfortunately, my psychic reading was accurate, and her fathers remains were found in North Vancouver in April of 2020, just as I described in her reading.

Brittany's dad was able to help his daughter find closure by reaching out beyond the grave even before she knew he was gone. This is a VERY unique circumstance because usually I am contacted by police or immediate family AFTER someone has gone missing, not beforehand!

Needless to say, Brittany gave a flawless testimony of this experience on Gaia TV's "Beyond Belief With George Noory".

Here is the description of the show and a link to view my guest appearance:

"Like sonar for a dolphin or bat, Patricia Monna, an internationally known psychic medium, is able to target a person’s resonance and see their location and environment through remote viewing and dowsing. From a young age, she recognized her abilities to sense death and see illness in another through her hyper-sensitivity.

She brings story and perspective to her psychic experiences as a hospice oncology nurse, her work as a psychic for private clients, and her assistance in locating missing people with law enforcement. As she explains these techniques that have come naturally for her, she reminds us that this can be learned by all."